Woman Within Circle Training

Woman Within Circle Training will set the standard and introduce you to a new set of communication skills needed for a successful Woman’s Circle - and for life. You will learn to create a safe, confidential, cohesive group that can support each other’s path toward empowerment without judgment, advice, or storytelling. You’ll learn active listening skills and learn how to stay in connection during times of group conflict. 

Currently, we do not have Colorado Circle Trainings scheduled.

circles@womanwithincolorado.org to request an In-Person or virtual training.
If we have enough interest we can set something up!


What you’ll learn: 

  • How to navigate circle & life challenges

  • Practice ways clear up conflict

  • How to shift from unhealthy to healthy behaviors

  • How to support others inside and outside of circle

  • Specific questions to ask in circle

  • Gain experience and confidence sitting in circle

  • Leave feeling prepared for creating a committed circle

What You’ll Get in Your Workbook:

  • Questions to help you get ready for circle and support others in circle

  • A step-by-step circle guide

  • How to get to the core of your own feelings

  • Tools to keep yourself emotionally safe

  • Ways to create healthy circle leadership

  • Forms to hand out to new circle members

  • Language you can use to invite new women to circle

These experiential Workshops include skills and hands-on circle practice so that even experienced women will feel more confident speaking and supporting others in a circle — and will get the most out of their circle experiences.

These trainings will not teach you how to facilitate processes used on the Woman Within Weekend. Instead, you’ll learn how to support women in self-led personal growth activities.

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