Woman Within Circles
in Colorado

There are several types of circles available, learn more about what makes them different and how you can get involved.

What is a Woman Within Circle?

Woman Within Circles are a space unlike any other. They are a free gift to, from, and of our community. Circles provide a space for women to be truly authentic, to be heard and to be received with acceptance and a deep level of understanding.

Join a circle today and deepen self-awareness, confidence and intuitive wisdom. 

A list of upcoming Open Circles is listed on our Events page.

If you are interested in joining a committed circle, or have any questions, please email us at circles@womanwithincolorado.org

  • Open Circles

    ALL women are welcome to drop-in to an Open Circle, whether or not they have attended any Woman Within programs. There is no regular commitment and the circle is led by an experienced woman or group of mentors. You can share or simply observe, whatever feels right for you.

    We ask new women attending Open Circle to review the WW Circle Etiquette prior to attending and reach out ahead of time with any questions. For a list of all open circles world wide please visit womanwithin.org/find-a-circle-program

  • Committed Circles

    Committed Circles have a regular group of members, which results in a deep bond and strong level of trust. Each group sets its own schedule and attendance expectations.

Virtual Open Circle

Our Colorado community hosts a recurring virtual open circle on the 1st and 3rd Monday of each month from 7-9pm. They are open to any woman, anywhere in the world, not just Colorado! Please join us.

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